Deepwave has created a network of AIR-T units for customer testing. When using AirNet, users are granted secure and encrypted remote access to one of Deepwave Digital’s AI radio systems. AirNet will allow you to test-drive the hardware, receive signals over the air, deploy and test your machine learning algorithm, or just become familiar with our radios.
When remotely logged in to the AirNet radio network, you will have the full functionality of the AIR-T system with the latest version of AirStack installed. Users will be able to:
- Test the AirStack API using our extensive set of tutorials
- Perform AI inferences on models generated with MATLAB, PyTorch, or TensorFlow using our open source example code
- Leverage existing or create new GNU Radio applications
- Create new GPU enabled signal processing applications using NVIDIA’s cuSignal API
- Deploy and test any application that is compatible with the AirStack API

The Deepwave AirNet radio network supports testing with the following AIR-T models:
Every AirNet device will have dual RF antennas attached to the receiver ports for customer usage and testing. Due to FCC regulations we cannot not allow users to transmit signals. In addition, users will be granted 400 GB of storage space.
All data on each test unit is securely wiped between users. The first time that you remotely access your AirNet device, the basic virtual environments will be created along with any special configurations requested on the signup form.
Once you sign up for AirNet and are granted access, the only software that you will need on your local computer is an SSH client. If you are logging in from a computer running Windows 10 or later, you can use the OpenSSH client that is included with those versions of the operating system. Other popular free clients for Windows are PuTTY and MobaXterm. If you are logging in from a Linux machine, you can use the SSH client included with your distribution.
AirNet is currently in its testing phase and is therefore offered free of charge to customers and users. Because it is a free hardware-based network and demand is high, access to each AI Radio on our network is determined on a case-by-case basis. To register for access to AirNet, please complete the AirNet signup form by clicking the button below.